Honeoye Valley Association

HVA Annual Meeting 2021

  • July 10, 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Virtual Meeting Zoom


Registration is closed


                      July 10, 2021 Zoom Meeting

at 9:00 am

It is time to share a year in review of the HVA activities and engage with our guest speaker as we continue to move forward to keep Honeoye Lake and the valley healthy for years to come.


9:00-9:20     Opening Comments from President Dan Lalonde

9:20-9:50     Alaina Robarge, Conservation District Educator Ontario County Soil and Water Conservation District

                      Title: Healthy Lawns, Healthy Lake

9:50 -10:10 Q and A’s for Speaker or any Board Member

We look forward to sharing with our membership our annual meeting and hearing your thoughts regarding our beautiful Valley and Lake.

It will be a zoom meeting ( hopefully the last remote meeting!) We will be recording the meeting guest portion and put that on our website after the meeting.

The meeting starts at 9 AM and goes to 10:30 AM

The link to the meeting is:


Meeting ID: 839 8684 1452

Passcode: 714169

One tap mobile +19294362866,,83986841452#,,,,*714169# US (New York)

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