Honeoye Valley Association

Since all lake management efforts should have a sound scientific basis it is important to understand the factors affecting lake water quality. This requires monitoring the most important factors, so that baseline data is available and can be compared to data collected after implementing any remedial action.

The importance of internal phosphorus loading on algae blooms is discussed in algae & internal loading.

Direct measurements of lake water quality parameters are probably the most important monitoring that can be done. Closely related is the quality of water flowing into the lake from its tributaries.

In other links on this website other parameters affecting lake water quality that have been measured are reported.

Honeoye Lake is the shallowest of the eleven Finger Lakes and is classified as eutrophic, which merely means it is highly biologically productive due to high levels of phosphorus. The lake produces a significant mass of aquatic vegetation that grows on the lake bottom in waters less than 4.5 meters in depth each summer. In addition, in many years the lake experiences a problematic blue-green algae (cynobacteria) bloom of 1-8+ weeks, which severely affects water clarity, is aesthetically unpleasing, and can be toxic. In response to a severe blue-green algae bloom in the summer of 2002, which lasted from mid-July into late-September, a monitoring program was initiated to better understand the lake dynamics.  

The 2017 Water Quality data can be seen in the following PDF file:  -- 2017 Water Quality Data Deep 9 meter.pdf


The video below was taken during dives took place on June 23, 2014 and July 15, 2014 at different points around Honeoye Lake. A great deal of the footage was taken off of California Ranch Point. The video was financed through a grant from Ontario County Water Resources Council. The purpose was to visually bring alive the statistical data that is being gathered through water sampling.The video was shot and narrated live by David O Brown at the 2014 Annual meeting. David is a
producer, videographer, photographer and lecturer specializing in marine and aquatic wildlife and issues. Information about David and his work can be seen at: http://www.davidobrown.com/


Water Quality Sampling:

Since 2003 monitoring was done at the deepest point (9.3 m) in the lake during the summer months. For each year the monitoring included temperature (T) and dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles from the surface to the bottom and water clarity measured using a Secchi disk. In 2003 and 2007-present, chemical monitoring of phosphorus and chlorophyll-a was done. In addition, for five years (1996-2000) a more limited sampling program was done as part of NYS Citizens Statewide Assessment Program (CSLAP). The CSLAP sampling program did not measure T and DO profiles, but did include measurements of Secchi disk water clarity and some limited phosphorus measurements. Reports generously created by Jack Starke Lake Sampling 2003-10.pdf and 2015 State of Honeoye Lake Water Quality.pdf summarizes these results. 

In 2010 Secchi disk reading were taken at nine points around the lake to gain a better understanding of its variability with location. See: 2010 Secchi Study.pdf

In 2011 chlorophyll-a reading were taken at seven points around the lake to gain a better understanding of its variability with location. See: HVA Chlorophyll Monitoring 2011 Report1.pdf

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